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American Economics

US Economy Adds Record 4.8 Million Jobs In June

The US economy added a record 4.8 million jobs in June, according to federal data released on July 2, but a surge...

US Unemployment Rate Declines By 2.5 Million In May

The American economy defied forecasts for a Depression-style surge in Unemployment this week, signaling the economy is picking up faster than anticipated...

House Of Representatives Approves New Coronavirus Stimulus Package

On May 15, the House of Representatives passed a $3 trillion tax cut and spending bill aimed at addressing the devastating economic fallout from...

President Trump Announces Deal With Mexico to Forestall Planned Tariff Increases

President Donald Trump backed off his plan to impose tariffs on all Mexican goods and announced through Twitter on June 7 that...

Preliminary “Black Friday” Sales Reports Reveal that Online Sales Brought in a Record $6 Billion in the US

More shoppers turned to the internet for deals to kick off the holiday shopping season as opposed to shopping at traditional retail stores, data...

Trump Administration Authored Report Says that Climate Change Damage is “Intensifying Across the Country”

On November 23, the US government released a long-awaited report stating the effects of global warming and climate change in the US are worsening...

History of the Republican Party

The Republican Party is one of the two main political parties currently active in the United States. Founded by anti-slavery activists, economic modernizers, and...

“The political economy of democratic transitions” Response

In the article “The political economy of democratic transitions,” Stephen Haggard and Robert Kaufman explore the effects of socioeconomic factors on democracy. Since the...

Ayn Rand: Capitalism and Objectivism Manifested in Atlas Shrugged

One of the most significant political theories of the 20th Century is Ayn Rands Objectivism. Rand is known for promoting the philosophical idea of...

“FDR’s Folly” Book Review

Throughout the 2003 book FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression, Jim Powell argues that the policies of U.S....

“The Elusive Republic” Book Review

Throughout the 1980 book The Elusive Republic: Political Economy in Jeffersonian America, Drew McCoy attempts to explore the competing economic visions in the U.S....

The Minimum Wage Debate & its Economic Future

One of the most important aspects of the debate over economic policy is the effectiveness of the Minimum Wage and the prospects for its...

Most Read

OurWeek In Politics (January 1, 2025-January 8, 2025)

Here are the main events that occurred in Politics this week: 1. Mike Johnson Narrowly Re-Elected House Speaker

Iran’s Execution Rate Surges In 2024: UN Reports Record Numbers

Iran reportedly executed at least 901 people in 2024, the highest total recorded in nine years and a 6% increase from the...

Congress Certifies President-elect Trump’s 2024 Victory in Peaceful Transition

On January 6, 2025, a joint session of Congress certified President-elect Donald Trump’s victory in the 2024 election, fulfilling a vital democratic...

Mike Johnson Narrowly Re-Elected House Speaker

On January 3, 2025, Congressman Mike Johnson narrowly secured reelection as House Speaker on the first ballot, overcoming resistance from hard-right Republican...